Friday, November 15, 2013

Does Your Hair Need Protein or Moisture? How to do an Easy Hair Analysis

Doing a hair analysis has become important to me because, I've come to realize my hair needs change, just like my skin throughout the seasons. I've learned a lot by making plenty of mistakes along the way, that I don't want any of you go through.

If you have healthy hair, (bless you) you can still do a hair analysis and figure out what kind of hair you have! It's fun, easy and doesn't take that long.

Watch a video on how I do My Hair Analysis down below or check out my YouTube Channel: BeautyByMatana

Let's Begin!

Take one small section of your hair and check how many hairs you have on that patch of hair.

How visible is your scalp, through your hair? If it is not that visible/if you have many hairs on that patch, then you have high density hair. Meaning, the number of strands to scalp ratio that you have is high.

My sister and I have the same curly hair pattern, but I have more hairs on my head, than she does, so my hair looks more full.

How thin or thick is your hair?

Take a look at one strand of hair to be more accurate. On my hair, the part of the strand closest to my scalp (my virgin hair), is definitely thicker than the ends of my hair, which have been colored and relaxed. Yes, it is possible to have two different textures of hair on your head.

Compare with your friends to get a better idea of where you stand on the thick or thin scale. 

Strength by Porosity
After you get out of the shower and towel dry your hair, how much water has your hair retained?

If your hair is still very wet after your normal towel drying, then your hair is very porous and soaking up too much moisture and taking on more than it can handle. This is a sign of weak hair. If your hair doesn't take long to dry after getting out the shower and a quick towel dry, then your hair knows how much it needs and stops itself from absorbing any more moisture. The same way we stop ourselves from seconds at a buffet. Just because the food is there for you and in abundance, your body only needs so much food, and if we decided to keep eating and eating that would jeopardize our health. Your hair drying quickly means it knows when to stop absorbing and gives off what it doesn't need. My hair used to take hours to dry, before I started taking good care of it, and I had no idea that meant it was weak, but it definitely was, because my hair was so damaged and dry.

Strength by Elasticity
Take one strand of your hair, and hold it at either end with your fingers, then slowly start pulling at either end and watch closely to see how long the strand stretches before snapping. If your hair strand stretches for quite a bit then, you have high elasticity and your hair is strong and not as prone to breakage when being handled. If your hair doesn't strtch hardly at all, then your hair is very weak and may be very dry or lacking in protein or a combination of both.

My Results!
I have very high density hair and dealing with two different textures. One being the thick virgin hair, and the other being the think, chemically treated and colored hair that has thinned over time due to all that junk I was doing to it. My hair has medium porosity, since it doesn't dry super quick but it doesn't take no where near as long to dry as it used it. Lastly, I have medium elasticity, because I've noticed when I brush my hair, my hair does stretch before it breaks. Whenever, I comb through it and a hair gets caught and I can feel it pulling from my scalp, it takes more pulling before it actually snaps.
  • High porosity hair needs more protein. I liked Aphogee 2 Step. This is a heavy protein treatment for severe damage. 
  • Medium porosity hair needs some protein. I like Ion Reconstructor, which is a light protein treatment.
  • Low porosity hair has no real need for more protein. 
Caution: Too much protein will damage your hair further if there is not enough moisture in your hair to lubricate the hair strands. If youare not sure it is best to see a hair profession to get help.
  • High density hair needs extra time and care to make sure product gets evenly applied to all parts of your hair. With more dense hair, it's easy to apply more product in one place than the other. To avoid this, make sure to split your hair into smaller sections so that you can even distribute product. 
  • Texture: Thick hair is stronger than thin hair. That's easy science. However, just because you have curly that does not mean you automatically are assigned into the "thick" hair family. You can have curly hair and think hair too. 
 Caution: Always moisturize with a balancing conditioner after a treatment to get your hair back to the right PH level and softness. I love Aphogee Balancing Moisturizer.
  • If you have high elasticity, then your hair is strong and not in need of much protein, in fact too much protein will damage hair that is already strong. 
  • Medium elasticity hair may need a light protein treatment. 
  • Lowe elasticity most likely needs a high protein treatment and deep conditioning.  
Does your hair break off at the ends when dry or when brushing/combing? 
If it does then your hair may be very dry and you might benefit most by using a daily leave-in conditioner.

Does your hair break higher up the hair strand, as well as the ends?
If yes, then your hair may be brittle and in need of strengthening with protein.