Friday, November 15, 2013

Does Your Hair Need Protein or Moisture? How to do an Easy Hair Analysis

Doing a hair analysis has become important to me because, I've come to realize my hair needs change, just like my skin throughout the seasons. I've learned a lot by making plenty of mistakes along the way, that I don't want any of you go through.

If you have healthy hair, (bless you) you can still do a hair analysis and figure out what kind of hair you have! It's fun, easy and doesn't take that long.

Watch a video on how I do My Hair Analysis down below or check out my YouTube Channel: BeautyByMatana

Let's Begin!

Take one small section of your hair and check how many hairs you have on that patch of hair.

How visible is your scalp, through your hair? If it is not that visible/if you have many hairs on that patch, then you have high density hair. Meaning, the number of strands to scalp ratio that you have is high.

My sister and I have the same curly hair pattern, but I have more hairs on my head, than she does, so my hair looks more full.

How thin or thick is your hair?

Take a look at one strand of hair to be more accurate. On my hair, the part of the strand closest to my scalp (my virgin hair), is definitely thicker than the ends of my hair, which have been colored and relaxed. Yes, it is possible to have two different textures of hair on your head.

Compare with your friends to get a better idea of where you stand on the thick or thin scale. 

Strength by Porosity
After you get out of the shower and towel dry your hair, how much water has your hair retained?

If your hair is still very wet after your normal towel drying, then your hair is very porous and soaking up too much moisture and taking on more than it can handle. This is a sign of weak hair. If your hair doesn't take long to dry after getting out the shower and a quick towel dry, then your hair knows how much it needs and stops itself from absorbing any more moisture. The same way we stop ourselves from seconds at a buffet. Just because the food is there for you and in abundance, your body only needs so much food, and if we decided to keep eating and eating that would jeopardize our health. Your hair drying quickly means it knows when to stop absorbing and gives off what it doesn't need. My hair used to take hours to dry, before I started taking good care of it, and I had no idea that meant it was weak, but it definitely was, because my hair was so damaged and dry.

Strength by Elasticity
Take one strand of your hair, and hold it at either end with your fingers, then slowly start pulling at either end and watch closely to see how long the strand stretches before snapping. If your hair strand stretches for quite a bit then, you have high elasticity and your hair is strong and not as prone to breakage when being handled. If your hair doesn't strtch hardly at all, then your hair is very weak and may be very dry or lacking in protein or a combination of both.

My Results!
I have very high density hair and dealing with two different textures. One being the thick virgin hair, and the other being the think, chemically treated and colored hair that has thinned over time due to all that junk I was doing to it. My hair has medium porosity, since it doesn't dry super quick but it doesn't take no where near as long to dry as it used it. Lastly, I have medium elasticity, because I've noticed when I brush my hair, my hair does stretch before it breaks. Whenever, I comb through it and a hair gets caught and I can feel it pulling from my scalp, it takes more pulling before it actually snaps.
  • High porosity hair needs more protein. I liked Aphogee 2 Step. This is a heavy protein treatment for severe damage. 
  • Medium porosity hair needs some protein. I like Ion Reconstructor, which is a light protein treatment.
  • Low porosity hair has no real need for more protein. 
Caution: Too much protein will damage your hair further if there is not enough moisture in your hair to lubricate the hair strands. If youare not sure it is best to see a hair profession to get help.
  • High density hair needs extra time and care to make sure product gets evenly applied to all parts of your hair. With more dense hair, it's easy to apply more product in one place than the other. To avoid this, make sure to split your hair into smaller sections so that you can even distribute product. 
  • Texture: Thick hair is stronger than thin hair. That's easy science. However, just because you have curly that does not mean you automatically are assigned into the "thick" hair family. You can have curly hair and think hair too. 
 Caution: Always moisturize with a balancing conditioner after a treatment to get your hair back to the right PH level and softness. I love Aphogee Balancing Moisturizer.
  • If you have high elasticity, then your hair is strong and not in need of much protein, in fact too much protein will damage hair that is already strong. 
  • Medium elasticity hair may need a light protein treatment. 
  • Lowe elasticity most likely needs a high protein treatment and deep conditioning.  
Does your hair break off at the ends when dry or when brushing/combing? 
If it does then your hair may be very dry and you might benefit most by using a daily leave-in conditioner.

Does your hair break higher up the hair strand, as well as the ends?
If yes, then your hair may be brittle and in need of strengthening with protein.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

My Relaxed to Natural Hair Update Without Cutting All My Hair Off

My Relaxed to Natural Hair Journey Update Without Cutting All My Hair Off

It's been 12 months since I decided to go natural. Well done to me and all of you other curly haired people that have made the same daring decision. However, the real questions is, "Am I going to do a Big Chop or not?"

That decision was easy as pie for me. I was definitely, not chopping off all my hair, right down to my roots and starting from scratch! Been there (unwillingly), done that, and won't be cutting my hair above my shoulder ever again.

In the past 11 months, my hair has really transformed from shoulder length (when straightened), stringy, lifeless, with wacky curl pattern, to boob length when curly! My hair now has a great curl pattern, but only when using specific products in my hair, and breakage has decreased dramatically.

My hair has been through so much damage from using a flat iron, swimming twice a day, six days a week in chlorinated pool water,  coloring and relaxing my hair.

If you would like to know about my hair journey from relaxed to natural without a "big chop", keep reading, and I'll try my best to explain what has worked for me.

The main issue that I struggled with was breakage and detangling. My hair was always getting tangled and tangles was the worst part of my transition process.

I have just recently started to finger comb my hair, now that I have finally figured out a technique or finger detangling process that works best for my hair. I also split my hair into two or sometimes four sections so that I can get product evenly over all my hair and detangle it better.

My hair was quite short a year ago, as you can see from the first three photos. When it was straight it was just above my shoulders. Now it's down to my boobs when it's curly!

I know the reason why I have had such trouble detangling is because, I am dealing with two different textures in my hair, due to not chopping off all the damaged hair. That is a decision I am sticking with and all the crazy tangles that I experience, is something I am going to have to live with and deal with until I eventually cut off all the damaged hair and have one texture again. I can hold off until that day comes. 

Here's a few tips from my experience of going natural without cutting all my hair off:
  1. Concentrate on your ends! I knew that my ends is where I was loosing the length and that was the reason why my hair never seemed to grow past my shoulders. My ends were constantly drying out and and breaking off. The ends are the oldest part of your hair and need more moisture and protein than your roots, because the natural oils and nutrients can't travel down curly hair shafts as well as people with pin straight hair. That's why our roots are always softer than our ends, and why people with pin straight hair deal with oiliness. 
  2. Get the best detangler you can get your hands on. The most annoying and irritating issue that I've dealt with on this journey is detangling my hair. Dealing with two different textures from deciding not to do a big chop gets my hair gets into the worst tangles. Having a good detangler that provides that "slip" in your hair in important, because you don't want to pull and tug at your hair so much that you are breaking it off yourself! Your hair needs to rest as much as possible. Detangling with ease will decrease breakage and fall out. 
  3. Analyze your hair and figure out what it needs. Your hair is technically dead, but it still needs its share of nutrients, moisture and protein to stay strong and grow long. Click on the link below to watch my video on how I analyze my hair. The video might help you get an idea of what is going with your own hair, and avoid making the same mistakes that I did along the way and playing the "guessing game" for longer than you have to.  Click Here to watch my video on How to do an Easy Hair Analysis and Figure Out if Your Hair Needs Protein or Moisture
  4. Tuck your hair away. Stop wearing your hair down all the time and allowing it to get tangled and dried out from all the air and rubbing against your cotton clothing. If you wear protective hair styles and keep your ends tucked away from the outside air as much as possible, it will prevent your hair from drying out as much. 
Hope this helps those of you with curly hair trying to do the right thing, without sacrificing inches upon inches of hair!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Aspirin Face Mask for Baby Soft & Calm Skin

This is one of my favorite at home face masks, because of how soothing the mask is for my skin, and how light and soft my skin feels afterwards. 

Aspirin has been around for years and years, and an ingredient in many face products. Get rid of all that extra stuff and make your own - at home! 

Aspirin is made of salicylic acid, or beta hydroxy acid or BHA, which has anti-inflammatory properties and removes dead skin cells gently, and helps with wrinkles, dark spots, and acne. Aspirin from your local drug store is inexpensive compared to many face, acne or spot treatments on the market. 

Honey helps to restore skin's natural properties and helps skin to appear younger and more supple, and has natural anti-bacterial properties. 

If you experience any of the following on your skin:
  • Redness
  • Irritation
  • Acne (severe, mild or minimal)
  • Tightness 
  • Roughness
 or just want baby soft, smooth and soothed, calm skin, give this DIY at home face mask a try!

You will need:
5 Non-coated aspirin pills, or powder
1 teaspoon water
1/2 teaspoon raw honey

**Do not use this face mask if you allergic to aspirin or honey! Please consult your doctor if you're not sure.

1. Put the aspirin and water together in a small container, and mix until the aspirin dissolves. 
2. Add the raw honey and mix well. 
(The ingredients do not have to be exact, just to where the texture is easy to apply to your skin, not too watery or too thick.)
3. Apply the mixture all over your face, avoiding the delicate areas around your eyes. 
4. Gently rub into your skin using circular motions with your fingers. (The texture should be a bit grainy if you used the pill form of aspirin, and smooth if you used the powder form.)
5. Leave on for 15-20mins
6. Wash mask off with lukewarm water
7. Gently pat your face dry with a soft towel and moisturize!

Recommendation: Apply this mask no more than once or twice per week, so that your skin doesn't get used to the mixture.

**I am not a medical doctor, if you have any concerns please consult your doctor first.

For more beauty tips check out Beauty By Matana on YouTube!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Moisturizing, Anti-Breakage Products for Curly, Coarse, Dry or Damaged Hair

For those of you that need some help making better decisions, when out shopping for products to take care of your hair and that actually work! I personally have been experimenting with hair products from an early age, being a swimmer and exposing my hair to chlorine everyday, twice a day, I went through my fair share of hair products. The following are the products that I have used and loved!
1. Shampoo
Organix Coconut Milk Shampoo
 This shampoo is gentle enough to use on a daily basis, if you are a woman that gets her exercise in daily (GO YOU!), then this is the perfect shampoo. Organix Coconut Milk Shampoo does not contain any harsh chemicals that strip your hair of important nutrients. No sulphates, parabens or harsh detergents.
2. Conditioner
Organix Coconut Milk Conditioner
 A fantastic detangling conditioner, for even the most coarse or curliest hair types! This conditioner also leaves hair feeling so soft and much easier to manage and comb through in little to no time. Really good brand for everyday use, if you are looking for a gentle shampoo and conditioner, with less harsh ingredients than most, this conditioner may be left in your hair without causing as much damage as other conditioners might do. Organix Coconut Milk products smell wonderful! Even if the coconut scent isn't really your thing, you'll love the smell.
3. Heat Protector
Frizz Ease Thermal Protection Serum
 Serums are really good for women with curly or dry hair, because serums moisturize better than heat protector sprays, and leave hair more manageable. Don't use oils before or whilst adding heat, because that combination is a sure way to fry your hair. Of course, don't use high heat!
4. Natural Deep Conditioner
Kelapo Organic Coconut Oil
Cold-pressed, USDA marked Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is the way to go when you want to add nourishment. Coconut Oil absorbs the best into your hair shaft, out of most natural oils. A very worthy competitor of the infamous Argan Oil that you always hear about. Coconut Oil is half the price and you get much more product. Having used both, I prefer Coconut Oil, because the smell is more pleasant, and there's nothing worse than nasty smelling hair products. Women want to smell good all over! Coconut Oil also has many other uses and benefits. A great staple for any household.
5. Protein Treatment
Aphogee Two-Step Protein Treatment
Your hair needs protein to be stronger and reduce breakage. Aphogee was introduced to me by my hairdresser in England, when my hair was practically falling out from severe damage. I've recommended this line to friends and family and all have had success with seeing growth in length, because their hair is not breaking off from the ends as much after using Aphogee. Just like your body needs protein, your hair needs it too. Doesn't smell great, and a messy process, but it works!
Use along with, 6. Aphogee Balancing Moisturizer. The best conditioner, detangler and hair softener for the worst of hair conditions. This is been my savior, many a time, and is always in my bathroom for emergencies.
7. Leave-In Conditioners
Aphogee ProVitamin Leave-In Conditioner
Put in a spray bottle and apply to conditioned, detangled hair. This can be used daily to add a boost of moisture and strength.
8. Deep Treatment Mask/Leave-In Conditioner 
Shea Moisture Organic Raw Shea Butter Deep Treatment Mask
 This product is a new found love. Highly recommended for those with severely dry, damaged and over processed hair. Absolutely, no harsh chemicals. This product has the best ingredients label that is not USDA certified organic. It's the next best thing! And way better than any other product line out on the market, where natural ingredients are concerned.
 This is important for very damaged hair, because any more application of harsh chemicals, may be detrimental, so sometimes, the more natural you go the better.
*The only exception in my personal experience is shampoos. Organic shampoos can sometimes make curly, dry hair, more tangled. So beware of natural or organic shampoos and even conditioners. Burts Bees, for example, is a huge no-no for me, because it tangled my hair so badly that it created a dreadlock, which lead to a big chop. So, you've been warned. Above and below are what has worked for me with out any catastrophes.
9. Detangling Spray
Soft & Beautiful Just for Me Conditioning Detangler
This is the only detangler that works on my curly hair, that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Very inexpensive product that does it's job very well. Leaves your hair soft and much easier to comb through. Targeted towards children, but that only means the product is gentle enough for everyday use and doesn't contain as many harsh chemicals and grown up products! Recommended for all hair types.
 ***Disclaimer: I have purchased all the above products with my own money and these are my personal and honest opinions.***
  Feel free to comment down below and share your experiences or opinions about the products mentioned or if you have any of your own recommendations! Be sure to mention your hair type!
For more beauty tips and tricks visit the 
Beauty By Matana YouTube Channel!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

First Christmas Away From Home

I was with my in-laws this Christmas. My first Christmas as a wife! That part is exciting! I am so happy to be married, because of my husband. We've been though a tough time together and apart, and though spending our first Christmas together was warm to my heart, not having my family around me too, was like a small prick of a needle. My family is awesome - of course! 

Do you know what it's like to see you're husband's mum hug him over and over again in front of your face? It's bearable for a while, but then it just makes me miss my family even more. So, I find myself steering clear when I see stuff like that happening. Save myself from the emotional "bring me down" and just occupy myself else where. Just smile and waves girls, smile and wave! Lucky for me, my family knows how to be present even when they are not physically present. Skype and such nowadays make things so much easier, and they're soooo much fun to chat with.

I love to write too. That has always helped me. Keeping a diary, personal book or a journal, and whenever I feel like expressing feelings, I write them down. Many times I will find out things about myself or my feelings that I didn't even know, before I began writing them down that is. Like, there would be times when I would surprise myself as I'm writing, finish a sentence and say, "Wooooow..." LOL. May be crazy to a lot of people, but everyone deals with things different ways. Writing is one of my outputs. I recommend it too. It's helped me through lots of things, including relationships, because I explain things better once I've written it down. I used to read some of my entries to my husband early on in our relationship, and he still knows if he wants to really know how I feel he'll ask to read. I don't write everyday just whenever I feel i need to let something out. Plus, I love flipping back and reading things about my life that usually I would never remember. 

I'll put one of my entries in my blog just to show what kind of things I write. This is kind of turning into something I would usually write in my personal book too I suppose..Huh.. But hey, maybe it'll be nice to share a few things here and there on my blog to. Especially, about being away from home, and how to deal with it. Being engaged, planning a wedding! Marriage and dealing with in-laws. Yup!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Hello and Welcome

Welcome to my new blog! 

My name is Matana :) 
Thank you so much for visiting, and have fun looking around, ask me questions, make requests, whatever you like! 
Let's write, talk, share, see and experience all-things-beauty in life...
