For those of you that need some help making better decisions, when out shopping for products to take care of your hair and that actually work! I personally have been experimenting with hair products from an early age, being a swimmer and exposing my hair to chlorine everyday, twice a day, I went through my fair share of hair products. The following are the products that I have used and loved!
1. Shampoo
Organix Coconut Milk Shampoo
This shampoo is gentle enough to use on a daily basis, if you are a woman that gets her exercise in daily (GO YOU!), then this is the perfect shampoo. Organix Coconut Milk Shampoo does not contain any harsh chemicals that strip your hair of important nutrients. No sulphates, parabens or harsh detergents.
2. Conditioner
Organix Coconut Milk Conditioner
A fantastic detangling conditioner, for even the most coarse or curliest hair types! This conditioner also leaves hair feeling so soft and much easier to manage and comb through in little to no time. Really good brand for everyday use, if you are looking for a gentle shampoo and conditioner, with less harsh ingredients than most, this conditioner may be left in your hair without causing as much damage as other conditioners might do. Organix Coconut Milk products smell wonderful! Even if the coconut scent isn't really your thing, you'll love the smell.
3. Heat Protector
Frizz Ease Thermal Protection Serum
Serums are really good for women with curly or dry hair, because serums moisturize better than heat protector sprays, and leave hair more manageable. Don't use oils before or whilst adding heat, because that combination is a sure way to fry your hair. Of course, don't use high heat!
4. Natural Deep Conditioner
Kelapo Organic Coconut Oil
Cold-pressed, USDA marked Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is the way to go when you want to add nourishment. Coconut Oil absorbs the best into your hair shaft, out of most natural oils. A very worthy competitor of the infamous Argan Oil that you always hear about. Coconut Oil is half the price and you get much more product. Having used both, I prefer Coconut Oil, because the smell is more pleasant, and there's nothing worse than nasty smelling hair products. Women want to smell good all over! Coconut Oil also has many other uses and benefits. A great staple for any household.
5. Protein Treatment
Aphogee Two-Step Protein Treatment
Your hair needs protein to be stronger and reduce breakage. Aphogee was introduced to me by my hairdresser in England, when my hair was practically falling out from severe damage. I've recommended this line to friends and family and all have had success with seeing growth in length, because their hair is not breaking off from the ends as much after using Aphogee. Just like your body needs protein, your hair needs it too. Doesn't smell great, and a messy process, but it works!
Use along with, 6. Aphogee Balancing Moisturizer. The best conditioner, detangler and hair softener for the worst of hair conditions. This is been my savior, many a time, and is always in my bathroom for emergencies.
7. Leave-In Conditioners
Aphogee ProVitamin Leave-In Conditioner
Put in a spray bottle and apply to conditioned, detangled hair. This can be used daily to add a boost of moisture and strength.
8. Deep Treatment Mask/Leave-In Conditioner
Shea Moisture Organic Raw Shea Butter Deep Treatment Mask
This product is a new found love. Highly recommended for those with severely dry, damaged and over processed hair. Absolutely, no harsh chemicals. This product has the best ingredients label that is not USDA certified organic. It's the next best thing! And way better than any other product line out on the market, where natural ingredients are concerned.
This is important for very damaged hair, because any more application of harsh chemicals, may be detrimental, so sometimes, the more natural you go the better.
*The only exception in my personal experience is shampoos. Organic shampoos can sometimes make curly, dry hair, more tangled. So beware of natural or organic shampoos and even conditioners. Burts Bees, for example, is a huge no-no for me, because it tangled my hair so badly that it created a dreadlock, which lead to a big chop. So, you've been warned. Above and below are what has worked for me with out any catastrophes.
9. Detangling Spray
Soft & Beautiful Just for Me Conditioning Detangler
This is the only detangler that works on my curly hair, that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Very inexpensive product that does it's job very well. Leaves your hair soft and much easier to comb through. Targeted towards children, but that only means the product is gentle enough for everyday use and doesn't contain as many harsh chemicals and grown up products! Recommended for all hair types.
***Disclaimer: I have purchased all the above products with my own money and these are my personal and honest opinions.***
Feel free to comment down below and share your experiences or opinions about the products mentioned or if you have any of your own recommendations! Be sure to mention your hair type!
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